Australia's trusted independent evidence
based medicines information resource
Online resources are a lot quicker and more convenient to search than traditional hard copy books or a library of print-based databases. I also need a resource that is simple and easy to understand, with a user-friendly layout
Grace Wong
Pharmacist, Western Health
What I find most valuable about AusDI is the 'Unaccepted Indications' and 'Counselling Information for the Health Care Professional' sections.
Belinda Johnston
Director of Pharmacy Services, St Vincent's Private Hospital Pharmacy
The Guild and its companies are proud to have worked with HCN in the development of the new, enhanced AusDI. This is another valuable tool to assist community pharmacists in their daily practice.
Kos Sclavos
National President of The Pharmacy Guild of Australia
It is an essential resource for consultant pharmacists, particularly for medication reviews, making patient monitoring recommendations or when preparing patient counseling points and checking precautions for generic medications: “As a Consultant Pharmacist, I find AusDI an invaluable reference when writing medicati­on reviews and use it as my first port of call when looking for information. Information is well set out and easy to find using the index provided.
Consultant Pharmacist Rosemary Howard
AusDI is a great source for Australian drug information and we use it regularly when teaching Pharmacy students to choose quality information resources for their research at Griffith University.
Griffith University